Senninger has improved on the i-Wob? UP3? design with the next generation i-Wob2. Featuring a protective shroud that doubles as a nozzle carrier, the new i-Wob2 is capable of better withstanding harsh operating conditions. Senninger Wobblers are recognized across the globe for their ability to spread water in a highly uniform pattern resistant to wind-drift and evaporation.
Flows: 0.80 to 18.35 gpm (182 to 4168 L/hr) based on model
Pressures: 6 to 15 psi (0.41 to 1.03 bar)
Trajectory: Standard-Angle
Surface: 9-Grooves
Droplet Size: Medium Droplets
Ideal for: Silty & Loamy Soils
Trajectory: Low-Angle
Surface: 9-Grooves
Droplet Size: Medium Droplets
Ideal for: Silty & Loamy Soils
Trajectory: Low-Angle
Surface: 6-Grooves
Droplet Size: Small Droplets
Ideal for: Tight, Clay Soils
Trajectory: Low-Angle
Surface: 6-Grooves
Droplet Size: Large Droplets
Ideal for: Sandy Soils
*It is recommended that larger nozzle sizes be used only on soils that can handle higher application rates.
** Senninger recommends 10 psi for optimum performance; 6 psi can be used for nozzles #12 and larger.
*** For optimum performance, Senninger recommends the use of maximum spacing for 1-2 spans only.
Note: Always mount the i-Wob2 on a minimum of 2 ft reinforced flexible hose. The hose must be on the outlet end of any semi-rigid or rigid drop.
Keep i-Wobs above crop canopy when outlet spacing exceeds 10 ft This is especially important on high profile crops.
*It is recommended that larger nozzle sizes be used only on soils that can handle higher application rates.
** Senninger recommends 0.69 bar for optimum performance; 0.41 bar can be used for nozzles #12 and larger.
*** For optimum performance, Senninger recommends the use of maximum spacing for 1-2 spans only.
Note: Always mount the i-Wob2 on a minimum of 0.6 m reinforced flexible hose.The hose must be on the outlet end of any semi-rigid or rigid drop.
Keep i-Wobs above crop canopy when outlet spacing exceeds 3.0 m. This is especially important on high profile crops.
Senninger weights provide stability on drops for a number of pivot applicators. The weight’s easy-to-install design lets it remain on the applicator during nozzle changes.
Always be sure the weight is tightly threaded into the bottom of the i-Wob2 (140-inch-lbs torque recommended)
Senninger pressure regulators control excessive and varying inlet pressures to a constant outlet pressure. They allow a system to maintain an accurate flow output at each sprinkler head to ensure proper distribution uniformity.
Recognizing the importance of maintaining correct system pressure and uniform distribution, Senninger offers various models to meet specific flow and installation requirements.
Ideal for installation on semi-rigid PE drops, steel drops, and flexible hose drops when used with the Magnum Weight.
Flows: 1.09 to 15.78 gpm (248 to 3584 L/hr) based on model
Pressures: 10 to 15 psi (0.69 to 1.03 bar)
Surface: 6-Grooves
Droplet Size: Medium Droplets
Trajectory: 15°
Surface: 6-Grooves
Droplet Size: Large Droplets
Surface: 9-Grooves
Droplet Size: Small Droplets
*It is recommended that larger nozzle sizes be used only on soils that are suited for higher application rates.
** For optimum performance, Senninger recommends the use of maximum spacing for 1-2 spans only.
Note: When outlet spacing exceeds 10 ft, keep Xi-Wobs above crop canopy. This is especially important on high profile crops. Not warranted for rigid installation on offsets or booms larger than 10.5 ft. Longer offsets and booms require a minimum of 2 ft reinforced flex hose.
*It is recommended that larger nozzle sizes be used only on soils that are suited for higher application rates.
** For optimum performance, Senninger recommends the use of maximum spacing for 1-2 spans only.
Note: When outlet spacing exceeds 3.0 m, keep Xi-Wobs above crop canopy. This is especially important on high profile crops. Not warranted for rigid installation on offsets or booms larger than 3.2 m. Longer offsets and booms require a minimum of 0.61 m reinforced flex hose.
Senninger weights provide stability on drops for a number of pivot applicators. The weight’s easyto-install design lets it remain on the applicator during nozzle changes.
To access the secondary nozzle, pinch and pull the nozzle from the applicator, flip the carrier over and click in the secondary nozzle. The carrier is marked to indicate high and low flow nozzles.
Senninger pressure regulators control excessive and varying inlet pressures to a constant outlet pressure. They allow a system to maintain an accurate flow output at each sprinkler head to ensure proper distribution uniformity.
Recognizing the importance of maintaining correct system pressure and uniform distribution, Senninger offers various models to meet specific flow and installation requirements.
With the release of the Xcel-Wobbler? UP3 TOP featuring the convenient UP3 nozzle, Senninger is expanding its patented Wobbler technology. This innovative top-of-pipe product is designed specifically for low pressure to promote energy savings and produce a wind-resistant large droplet.
Flows: 0.80 to 14.98 gpm (182 to 3402 L/hr)
Pressures: 10 psi (0.69 bar)
Surface: 6-Grooves
Droplet Size: Large Droplets
*It is recommended that larger nozzle sizes be used only on soils that can handle higher application rates.
*It is recommended that larger nozzle sizes be used only on soils that can handle higher application rates.
Senninger pressure regulators control excessive and varying inlet pressures to a constant outlet pressure. They allow a system to maintain an accurate flow output at each sprinkler head to ensure proper distribution uniformity.
Recognizing the importance of maintaining correct system pressure and uniform distribution, Senninger offers various models to meet specific flow and installation requirements.
LEPA (Low Energy Precision Application) bubblers use less energy than conventional low-pressure sprinklers and can operate using fewer gallons per minute. There are two types of bubble heads available: one deposits water straight down into furrows and distributes water in a narrow stream that avoids wetting the foliage; the other deflects water down in a wide, dome-shaped pattern that gently distributes water without spraying. With LEPA heads, at least 20 percent more water reaches the soil than with conventional spray nozzles.
Flows: 0.27 to 18.35 gpm (61 to 4168 L/hr) Pressures: 6 to 15 psi (0.41 to 1.03 bar)
LEPA (Low Energy Precision Application) systems gently deliver water just 8 to 18 inches above the ground to combat wind-drift and prevent evaporation loss. Researchers and growers have found that with LEPA at least 20 percent more water reaches the soil compared to conventional spray nozzles.
LDN LEPA bubblers operate at low pressures ranging from 6 to 20 psi. They use less energy than conventional low-pressure sprinklers, and operate using fewer gallons per minute than conventional spray nozzles - approximately 0.27 to 21.18 gpm.
Senninger weights provide stability on drops for a number of pivot applicators. The weight’s easyto-install design lets it remain on the applicator during nozzle changes.
Senninger pressure regulators control excessive and varying inlet pressures to a constant outlet pressure. They allow a system to maintain an accurate flow output at each sprinkler head to ensure proper distribution uniformity.
Recognizing the importance of maintaining correct system pressure and uniform distribution, Senninger offers various models to meet specific flow and installation requirements.
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UP3 Dual Nozzle Fitting